Caxton Payments is a tech first payments company, forging the future of payments with our in house development team constantly working to improve our product, and the experience for our customers. Caxton product priorities are security, customer experience and a completely open API. In this article you can track the latest product developments relevant to our customers as Enhancements, Features or Fixes. You can book a personal tour of any development, or the product by contacting us at You can find out more about our API on this page or visit our developer hub and view API documentation here
Q1 2025
14 March
- Fixed an issue with Limit Orders were they would sometimes fail if EUR was selected
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the Caxton favicon would not appear in the address bar
Business accounts
- Fixed an issue where Viewers could not login if there were no cards on the account
- Fixed an issue where Payment Confirmations were showing as blank
- Fixed an issue with the Auto Top-Up feature where the amounts a user could input were not being
properly validated
- Fixed an issue with the Auto Top-Up feature where sometimes the card would not be loaded the first time the rule was triggered
Retail accounts
- Fixed an issue with the registration form where if there was an error the form would no longer load and not allow potential clients to try registering again.
- Fixed an issue where some menu items were not being properly highlighted once they were clicked
27 February
Business accounts
- Updated the wallet displays in order to show Owners and Admins their annual wallet load
- Fixed an issue with custom expense categories where new categories could not be added.
- Fixed an issue where some clients who already had an EM account but not IP could not request IP access
- Fixed an issue where some clients were not able to upload Supplier Payments/Payroll files
Business accounts
- Fixed an issue where some clients could not clear their negative balances
Q4 2024
5 December
Business accounts
- NEW FEATURE - Confirmation of Payee for single beneficiaries - When a user adds a recipient they will now go through a confirmation of payee check, and the user will be notified if the recipient is either a partial match, or no match at all. Where the recipient is not a match at all the user will not be allowed to continue to add the recipient.
- This is valid only for UK bank accounts.
- Only available for single beneficiary creation at this time Beneficiaries created in bulk via Payroll and Supplier Payments file uploads and integrations will be added at a later date.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the Card Transaction History report download would show items in the incorrect order, leading to an incorrect running balance
- Fixed an issue with multi-beneficiary IP payments where when a client searched for specific beneficiaries sometimes the "Next" button would not activate to allow them to complete the transaction.
- Updates to the Document Upload Centre to allow for more document types.
Retail accounts
- NEW FEATURE - Document Upload Centre
- A new menu item where clients can always go to upload requested documents.
- Accepted documents for each category are listed out.
- Re-enabled Automatic Card Renewal after it was disabled a few months ago due to a data discrepancy.
7 November
- Added more push notification messages for when clients transactions or withdrawals are declined.
- Updated text for Personal IBAN details to inform clients the name may show as SettleGo Solutions.
- Fixed an issue with emails going out on subsidiary activation
Business accounts
- Fixed an issue with the card transaction history report where sometimes the currency symbol would not match the currency spent.
- Fixed an issue with the card transaction history report where it would sort items by date instead of date/time, leading to items being out of order.
Retail accounts
- Added a message to clients when their top up request fails due to an address mismatch with the information on file.
23 October
Business accounts
- Updated the UI for the IP pages so the currency being purchased is at the top and the currency being sold is at the bottom.
- When a payment fails due to insufficient funds users will now receive a push notification in the app
- Users will be able to update their own address and no longer need to contact Caxton to do so for them.
- Previous rules around address changes will still apply:
- Must still be in the UK.
- Will not be able to change their phone number or contact email for 30 minutes after updating their address.
- Will receive a notification email when the address has been updated
09 October
Business accounts
- Fixed an issue where the Company Statement would sometimes not be created and sent to Admins
- Updated the way Any Card displays connections to the account Owner/Admins
- Updated the online transaction email to clients with more relevant information
30 September
- Updated login screen images
Business accounts
- Added a pop-up for all Owners/Admins announcing Any Card
- Removed the "New" tag from the Payroll tab at the top of the page
Personal accounts
- Updated the final confirmation text when clients book a trade or transfer
- Added confirmation pop-up when clients book a trade or transfer
Earlier in Q3
- IP Page Enhancements
- Both the transfer and settlement dates will be included in the final confirmation pop up when clients are completing a transfer
- Fixed an issue where users could not type in changes to Limit Order Margins
- Added a verification for the apps, to ensure users are using the minimum supported version. If not, they will not be able to login.
- Enhanced logging of API Requests for monitoring purposes
Business accounts
- Enhancement to sorting order for Card Transaction History report
- Updated the sort order of wallets on the Expense Dashboard to be alphabetical
- Added an error message when users try to archive the last card in a wallet that still has funds
- Changed the order of items in the Payments section of the sidebar
- Fixed an issue where Viewers could not download company statements
- Obfuscation & Minification of App artifacts
Personal accounts
- Updated the messaging a user receives when they try to do a trade for 100k+ GBP equivalent
- Updated UI for when a user fails KYC and needs to upload documentation
- New app release to address login issues
- Obfuscation & Minification of App artifacts
Q2 2024
- NEW FEATURE - WhatsApp for 2FA - B2B users can now choose to receive the code to access their Caxton account via WhatsApp instead of SMS text. They can update their number in their Account settings in the same area as before. We will enable this feature for B2C at a later date.
- Added the Create Mandate endpoint for VRP
- Added the Get Mandate endpoint for VRP
- Added the Initiate VRP Payment endpoint
- Fixed an issue where some Inputters/Viewers were not able to view all pages in CXTN they should be able to
- Added the new roles of Approver and Viewer to the Single Sign On menus
- Updated some items for Supplier Payments in the sidebar
- Fixed an issue where some accounts using Multi-Level Authorization required the user to log out and back in for the rules to take effect
- Enhancements to the Xero Upload file format to account for different types of uploads.
- Enhancements to the Expense Management submission process in order to improve stability
- Introduced a limited to the "Export All Wallets" button to assist with requests and allowed it to be re-enabled
- NEW FEATURE - Owners/Admins/Wallet Managers will be able to reset card PINS for their users
- NEW FEATURE - Owners/Admins will be able to unlock client accounts
- Updated Multi-Level Approval Capabilities
- Clients can now set how many levels of approval are needed (up to 5) before a payment is sent or a recipient is added
- Added the ability for CXTN to handle Brain payroll file type for uploads
- Clients needing this capability will need to inform the business so that it can be activated for their account
- Updated the new IP pages to account for some issues specific to some B2B clients
- Updated payment reasons
- Updated fee calculation
- Caxton Bank details for all currencies Caxton supports will now be displayed to all B2B clients in the Bank Details section of CXTN
- Fixed an issue where some Payroll bureaus would not be able to cancel files for their subsidiaries
- Changed the behaviour for archiving cards. Now, if there is only one card in a wallet, that card will not be allowed to be archived if there are funds still in the wallet. Once funds have been transferred from the wallet to the account, CXTN will allow the card and wallet to be archived.
- Fixed an issue where some registrations were not saving the users contact email and mothers maiden name
- Fixed an issue where some debit cards had issues processing
- Update to Regular Payments funding. On the day of the regular payment, if the trade has not been funded, CXTN will attempt to take the funds from the users balance.
- Previously, if the debit card payment failed, the regular payment would just not be sent.
- Fixed an issue where some clients would receive an error on the final step of setting up a regular payment
- Updated the wording for clients when they are attempting to sign in to CXTN on the web and use their Caxton Card as a 2FA option. It should now be more clear which numbers from their card they should input.
- Added filters to the Limit Order page to allow for easier organisation
- Fixed outbound networking issue
- Added the ability for admins to re-issue new card designs
Q1 2024
27 March
- New IP pages released for all users (B2B and B2C)
- Enhancements to UI for new IP pages
- Enhancements to functionality for new IP Pages
- Enhancements to IP pages to more clearly show currency amounts in all locations
- Users will now be able to update some information for recipients even after their first payment is sent. Updates will be allowed for recipient address, email, and phone number. No other fields will be allowed to be updated once the first payment is sent.
- Fixed an issue where some users connected to the Caxton API Client were not receiving emails
- Enhancements to Webhook Subtypes
- Enhancements to Account Transaction Webhooks
- All transfers will now require a payment purpose reason.
- Payroll payments will be allowed to be scheduled for a future date even if there are not currently funds available on the account.
- This will be enabled for a few test clients with the release. We will notify everyone once it is enabled for all clients.
- Any file not funded by 5 days after the transfer date will be automatically canceled.
- Payroll files and transfers will be able to be canceled by clients provided it is at least the day before the payments are scheduled to be sent.
- Enhancement to the Card Transactions report to show a running balance.
- Bulk Payment and Payroll clients will now be able to download a payment details report after a file has been uploaded, instead of needing to wait for it to be approved.
- The Expense Management page will now display even if a EM user does not currently have an Active status card. This was causing some card users issues with logging in
- Improved messaging in platform for transactions completed via Truelayer.
- Added the title of "Lady" to the title dropdown selection menu.
- Bond holders will have a tax certificate auto generated for their account every year. This will display on the details page of their bond.
14 February
- Enhancement to the TrueLayer Webhook API field character allowance
- General enhancements to Webhooks
- Update of Caxton logo in the upper left of CXTN
- Enhancements to Virtual Card display in CXTN
- Enhancements to Xero integration for Payroll and Bulk Payments
- Update of Caxton logos on cards and on the upper left of CXTN
- New IP page designs for a selected portion of Caxton users
- Customers will now be charged at point of signup. This is done to reduce payment failures after we send out a card to the customer
- Logo updates on the transactional email
- A new offer setup for affiliates to allow topping up a user's account
31 January
- Retrieve additional information from Truelayer (AIS)
- Account Balances
- Present the correct wallet load limit value based on account type
- Enhancements to the expense fetching process
- Enhancements to the beneficiaries retrieve bank details process
- Account fees will be copied to subsidiaries from the parent account upon creation of the subsidiary
- Enhancements to the Xero Payroll/Bulk Payments process
- Update to allow for future dates to be used in the Bulk Payments/Payroll upload files
- Message added to the Bank Details page informing clients they may not use the IBAN details for Direct Debits
- Clients will be informed via push notification in the Caxton Retail App and email when a new recipient is added to their account. Previously they were only informed via email
- Stability enhancements to No Login Login
- Additional wording added to the One Click Load process to make it clear no funds are taken during the setup
17 January
- Update to required information and payment reasons for all funds going to UAE
- Corrected an issue with Limit Order creation
- Corrected an issue what would sometimes occur where a clients phone number would not update
- Added support for Payment Purpose Codes
- Webhooks Added:
- Card Loads
- Payments Cancellation & Rejection
- Settled Trades
- Updated wording of the card offerings when a client signs up to accurately reflect the change in pricing structure
- Update of the behaviour of the Sidebar in CXTN to ensure the correct areas are expanded and highlighted when clicked
- Updated text on the 1 Click Load setup process to emphasize no funds are taken during the setup
- Updated instructions for clients on how to login using their Caxton Card for verification
- Updated instructions for clients on the My Details page when they want to update their address
- Updated the Forgot Password process when using the mobile web browser version of CXTN
- White card removed as an order option upon registration
- Changes to invoicing - updated Tax Group number and removal of VAT charges
- System email bug fixes
Q4 2023
- Account Transaction (Event Type 2) : When Funds are received by Caxton platform account through our Bank Accounts, we will initiate a webhook event “account_credit” with webhook Source Deposit.
- Payment (Event Type 0) : When funds leave Caxton account and bank will accept our a payment files, we will initiate a webhook event “payment_completed”
- Trade Single Rates Endpoint Redemption improved.
- Startdate and enddate validation in Bulk upload endpoints.
- Improved error messages
- All B2B users will need to have a valid mobile number in order to confirm their login attempts as of Monday, 20 November, 2023.
- Corrected an issue where some Payroll Bureaus did not see all of their subsidiaries as login options when they initially login to their account.
- Recent transactions have been added to the home page of the Caxton app
- Introduced a new International Payments screen on the mobile app which explains the benefit of the feature and prompts users to complete the information form to set up their accounts.
- Multiple bug fixes and improvements for an enhanced user experience.
Q3 2023
27 July
Release Type |
- Description |
Enhancement |
- Updated support for client specific Payroll files |
Enhancement |
- Change in terminology “Transfer Pending” to “Awaiting Funds” |
Enhancement |
- Log improvements for backend support. |
Enhancement |
- Push Notification and Helpdesk improvements for uploading large files. |
Enhancement |
- Payroll navigation added to LHS. |
Enhancement |
- CXTN API improvements. |
Enhancement |
- Parent Hierarchy support for Admins. |
Features |
- Push Notifications to Mobile App for Card Transactions. |
13 July product updates
Release Type |
- Description |
Enhancement |
- VRP Improvements. |
Enhancement |
- Google Pay -> SMS and Email options to improve user experience: This will allow users to select receive Email for activation code instead of SMS. |
Q2 2023
28 June product updates
Release Type |
- Description |
Enhancement |
- Payroll Improvements. |
Enhancement |
- Registration UI changes. |
Features |
- MDES: Google Pay added for Caxton Black Currency Cards and Caxton Red Currency Cards. |
18 May product updates
Release Type |
- Description |
Enhancement |
- Helpdesk Portal to support BDM, Customer Success, and Partnership Manager for corporate entity. |
Features |
- New endpoints for API. |
2 May product updates
Release Type |
- Description |
Enhancement |
- Renaming International Payments tab to Payments. |
Enhancement |
- Corporate onboarding short form update to ask clients for product interests. |
Enhancement |
- Manage Company to show combined balance(main POT + IP POT) to Move funds to/from subsidiary accounts. |
Features |
- Sidebar – B2B Sidebar Changes and Updates |
19 April product updates
Release Type |
- Description |
Enhancement |
- Automate API Client – Go Live |
Enhancement |
- New API Endpoints as requisition by Client API users. |
Features |
- B2B Users Ability to Choose Account Type on Login. |
Q1 2023
22 March product updates
Release Type |
- Description |
Enhancement |
- B2B Admins to receive Funds In email once clients send funds in. |
Enhancement |
- Wallet load and Spend Limits updated for Retail Black and Red users. |
Features |
- Payroll – Any clients with Payroll enabled Payouts in GBP via these clients will skip Settlements from now onwards. There will be no cutoff times for these payments. Compliance check still be holding payouts if flagged. |
Features |
- B2B SCA – CXTN Platform will start asking all B2B customers to start verifying mobile numbers. |
22 February product updates
Release Type |
- Description |
Enhancement |
- Allow Corporate Owners/Admins to raise a dispute on behalf of their cardholders. |
Features |
- Support from API to upload Bacs File |
Features |
- Bank Transfer API to allow Trading. |
Features |
- Open banking API to allow Cards and IP Payments. |
8 February product updates
Focused on business product and app enhancements.
Release Type |
- Description |
Enhancement |
- Ability to select tag for Recipients. |
Enhancement |
- Allow Bulk Payments standalone product for B2B. |
Features |
Features |
- Cash delivery API |
Q4 2022
8 December product updates
In the final release for the year we have delivered the final pieces of tech to deliver our convenient open banking solution to customers.
Release Type |
- Description |
Features |
- Full open banking features delivered with True Layer and Ozone integrations |
Enhancement |
- API enhancement. See developer hub and view API documentation here |
Fixes |
- Corporate email/suffix blocking functionality, now configurable |
Fixes |
- Removed fees on bond pay out |
23 November product updates
Focused on business product and app enhancements
Release Type |
- Description |
Enhancement |
- Corporate Registration – Choose Products page improvements |
Enhancement |
- Pagination on B2B Manage Wallet page |
Enhancement |
- Email Text update for B2B registrations |
Fixes |
- Manage Company – withdrawal funds – full amount |
Features |
- Updates to API see developer hub and view API documentation here |
9 November product updates
Focused on business product and app enhancements
Release Type |
- Description |
Enhancement |
- 2FA Text code input - Changed to clear text for better security |
Enhancement |
- Improvements to HelpdeskPortal Audit log page |
Fixes |
- Email notification confirmation when username is changed |
Features |
- Updates to API see developer hub and view API documentation here |
26 October product updates
Exciting updates to our retail product that allow locked balances.
Additionally we have begun a phased roll out of 'Make a Bank Transfer'

Release Type |
- Description |
Enhancement |
- Added Mx option for Title value across CXTN platform |
Enhancement |
- Lock Balances: users will be able to lock/unlock balances |
Enhancement |
- Make a Bank Transfer: Phased rollout of Make a Bank Transfer on CXTN platform. Currently we are rolling out this feature to 10% of our customer base. |
Features |
- Updates to API see developer hub and view API documentation here |
Q3 2022
28 September product updates
Focused on business product and app enhancements
Release Type |
- Description |
Features |
- Bond Investment Facility |
Enhancement |
- Improved message on Login page for incorrect username/password |
Enhancement |
- IP Transfer page history showing info for all payments, message if compliance required |
Enhancement |
- Pop up message on card load page notifies retail clients if there are 0 usable cards available to spend. |
Enhancement |
- Storing card load failure reasons if any (TECH) |
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