Manage your money worldwide with a multi-currency account

Say goodbye to exchange rate worries with our multi-currency account. Take on the world by sending, receiving, holding and converting money securely, across 195 countries and 30+ currencies.

Amount you send
- Exchange rate
Dedicated account manager - Expert help
Amount received by recipient

Indicative, introductory rate that is moving frequently. For transactions over £500k please confirm best rate with our currency experts.

Looking for a currency card?  

The smart, secure way to take money abroad is on a Caxton currency card.


20 years of secure international payments

The smart bank alternative for your global payments needs

Say goodbye to exchange rate worries, long wait times and poor communication from traditional payment providers. Manage your money in multiple currencies and make secure international payments in an instant with our personal multi-currency account.


Keep your money in one place, even when you're not

Our multi-currency account offers a practical means to save, invest and manage money for those living or working abroad. No matter how many times you move, your account with us stays the same. It complements accounts held in both your home country and your current country of residence.


Send, receive, hold and exchange in 30+ currencies 

With unlimited inbound and outbound transfers, save while you send, receive, exchange and hold funds - from a single platform. Reach payees in over 195 countries, at the speed and cost of domestic ones with borderless account details, and convert over 200 currency pairs.


Your own expert for large transfers

Large money transfers are not run-of-the-mill transactions. Sending substantial amounts requires more attention, more care and more knowledge. Your dedicated support specialist will be there with you helping dot the i's and cross the t's, right up until the moment you confidently hit send.


Keeping you and your money safe

For over 20 years, Caxton has been at the forefront of developing systems and processes that make large transfers fast, easy, and secure. We protect your money like a shield, preserving your finances no matter what. From partnering with leading banks to implementing two-factor authentication and maintaining a dedicated anti-fraud team, Caxton ensures your money is always safe.


How much does it cost to send money abroad?

We pride ourselves on being transparent with our fees, ensuring that you always know exactly what you're paying for. Trust us to provide a cheaper alternative to traditional banking services.

Pay a small, flat fee and percentage: When you send money abroad, you'll pay a small, flat fee of the amount converted, depending on the currency. Rest assured, you'll always know the total cost upfront with no hidden fees.

Fee depends on your chosen transfer type: While some transfer types may have different fees – same-day, next-day etc, they are usually minimal. We believe in providing fair and competitive pricing for all our services.


Transfer currency at great rates

Work out how much currency you can receive by entering the amounts below.


Market insight at your fingertips

Rate alerts straight to your inbox

Never miss a thing with our market rate alerts, delivered directly to your inbox. Choose between daily updates or as-needed notifications.

Monthly currency outlook webinar

Our flagship currency webinar provides valuable insights and predictions for all major G10 currencies.

Daily market insight - sign-up today

Stay ahead with our daily market email, that puts you in the driver's seat of currency transactions.

Open a personal multi-currency account today

Your money deserves its own passport. Unlock a world of benefits with a personal multi-currency account. Set-up your account online, speak to one of our consultants on 0333 123 1815 or book a chat.